Folkmanis Crab, Horseshoe 3218 Folkmanis Crab, Horseshoe 3218

Crab, Horseshoe

Item #: 3218
UPC: 638348032188

Fascinating marine life arthropods that predate dinosaurs, the Horseshoe Crab puppet comes alive in your hand. This unique creature also known as a "living fossil" is more related to scorpions and spiders than crustaceans and is often used in medical testing due to a special enzyme in their bright blue blood. Rendered in suede cloth with pine needle fringe and a stiff tail, this 2-finger glove puppet will motivate a curiosity to explore the natural world.


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Length:15" Long
Width:7" Wide
Height:3" Tall
Weight: 1.92 oz.
Puppet Type: HAND PUPPET
Puppet Birthday: 2024 July
Special Features: 2-Finger Glove Puppet
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